So let's say you're happily developing along with Webcrossing and after your latest cache reset you happen to notice that your toolbar has gone from this:
to this:
Congratulations! You've just encountered the dreaded Square Toolbar. Often there is a lot more than that amiss, but sometimes the Square Toolbar is the most obvious thing wrong. What it means is that you've got a compile error - somewhere in your code you likely have a missing or an extra WCTL
%%, or a missing or extra SSJS curly brace
{ }. Or perhaps your SSJS functions are not surrounded by the requisite
Technically, what has happened is that the script version of the toolbar, either a custom one or one of the toolbar plugins, is failing to load because of your compile error, so the square toolbar is coming directly from the code in the binary - a fallback, if you will.
The first thing to do is to check
webx.log. The exact compile error should be listed there, with at least some clue about what is wrong in what macro or function. Usually from that you can figure out what to fix. Rarely, though, especially if you have two offsetting errors (two separate extra
%%'s, for example, in different places), you will find there is no actual complile error.
What to do then? The most logical place to look, of course, is the file or files you've just updated. Often a quick glance is all it takes to find the error. But sometimes it's not all that obvious what's wrong. Maybe someone else just handed something off to you and you're not at all sure what they just did, or where to start looking. If you have any suspicions at all, it's worth trying to turn off those suspicious template files by renaming them (say, becomes
myfile.autoOFF). If your error goes away when you reset the cache, you know where to look.
But sometimes you simply have no clue at all.
Then you have to resort to the brute force method. It's ugly, but it works. First, you need to identify the file the error is in, and secondly, where it is in the file. To do this, create a small text file with only this in it:
%% macro hello %%
Hello, world!
%% endmacro %%
Name it with a name which will ensure it loads alphabetically BEFORE any of your other template files, something like Put it in your templates directory and reset the cache. Then, in the browser location bar, call your macro hello:
You should see "Hello, world!" on the screen. Good. (If not, your problem is probably in webx.tpl itself, or perhaps one of the handful of template files that load unconditionally before anything else. If you encounter this, the log file
webxIncludes.log, which is rewritten after each cache reset, can be helpful to show you what's loading and in what order.)
If all was well with your file, rename it so that it loads after some of your template files, maybe Test again. If you see "Hello, world!", you'll know that everything alphabetically up to your file is OK, no errors. Your error is in one of the other files further down alphabetically. Otherwise, your error is somewhere before. Rename your file again and try again, until you narrow down a single file with the error. Rename that suspect file so it doesn't load, as described above. Test again, and you shouldn't have an error.
Now that you've identified the problem file, you've got to find the exact function or macro with the error. If it's not obvious looking at the file, remove your small text file with
macro hello in it, and copy
macro hello into the middle of the problem file. Test again. If all is well, your error is further down the file. Keep moving
macro hello until you identify exactly which function or macro is causing trouble. If you can't find it by eyeballing it at that point, remove chunks of code from the function or macro in logical blocks (like an entire "if" structure, etc.) so that the removal itself doesn't cause a complile error. Eventually you will find the chunk of code that is causing issues and from there, you can fix it.
Whew. And I bet you've still got hair left!