Times have changed and cookies are no longer the evil baked goods of old. Cookies are one of the ways that web servers can track the stateless HTTP requests across multiple pages. WebCrossing can utilize this information that might be passed from a main web server like this graphic illustrates:

Visitor comes to site, main web server sets cookie, visitor navigates to WebCrossing forums, reads cookie, sends cookie information to main web server and gets validation in return.
This is a very common method of authentication and it is performed in the authentication filter like so. We will begin with just getting the cookie in the first place.
1 %% macro authenticateFilter %% 2 %% if userIsSysop %% 3 %% return %% 4 %% endif %% 5 %% if form.backdoor == "42" %% 6 %% set id userLookup("sysop") %% 7 %% clearoutput%%%% id %%%% return %% 8 %% else if userIsUnknown || userIsGuest %% 9 %%// Get Cookie and use it to lookup or create a user and then log them in %% 10 %% set _email envirCookie( "auth_email" ).fromURL %% 11 %% set id userLookup( _email ) %% 12 %% if id %% 13 %% clearoutput %%%% id %%%%return%% 14 %% else %% 15 %% set id userCreate( _personid ) //create the user %% 16 %% if id %% 17 %% set password randomString %% 18 %% id.setUserPassword(password) %% 19 %% id.setUserEmail(_email) %% 20 %% id.setUserMailbox(_email) %% 21 %% id.setUserForwardTo(_email) %% 22 %% clearoutput %%%% id %%%%return%% 23 %% endif // id %% 24 %% endif %% 25 %% clearoutput %% 26 HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect%% crlf %% 27 Location: http://your_main_site.com/login %% crlf %%%% crlf %% 28 %% endif // userIsUnknown || userIsGuest %% 29 %% endmacro %%
While this might be a little confusing, let me explain each line and what is happening.
Lines 2-4 - This is just a bypass so that the sysop does not have to login and bypasses the filter in this case. Mostly for a performance reason
Lines 5-7 - This is a type of "backdoor" that I like to add to these types of filters because they are easy to lock yourself out of the site. To use something like this, just issue a URL like this to get into the sysop control panel
The key=value pairs after the ! are turned into the properties of the form object in WCTL such that you can access the value by just using the dot notation of the key as in line 5. Line 6 looks up the sysop and line 7 clears all the data in the response buffer and then returns the ID of the sysop that was previously found. The clearoutput is important because these filters only allow certain data to be returned and extra data in the buffer will cause the filter to fail.
Lines 8 - 23, this is where the main work is done. It starts on line 8 where it checks to see if this new request is already known to WebCrossing or not. IF they are, then this is bypassed completely and the filter just returns nothing and allows normal processing to occur, which is to show the next page to the logged in person. This eliminates all the checking on each request for performance reasons.
Line 10 finally gets the cookie called "auth_email" that was presumably set by the main server. It then uses that information to lookup the user in the database, assuming that your users are stored by using their email address as their "username".
If the user is NOT found, then the process of creating a new user with these credentials is executed on line 15. This automatically keeps your WebCrossing database in synch with the external authentication system on your main server. New users are created automatically.
Lines 16-21 are just ways of setting the new user's personal information at the time of creation. Any type of user property can be created and added at this time.
Lines 22 - Finally this new user's ID is returned which essentially logs them into the WebCrossing site.
If none of the returns happen and we fall through to line 25, then it means that the user has no cookie or we could not find them in the user database. Therefore we must redirect them back to the main web server to login there and get a cookie set. It is then the job of the main server to present a form for login credentials, set a cookie, and then send them back to the WebCrossing server.
Whew! All that just to login with a simple cookie. There are some obvious security holes with this method, but they are easily fixed through the use of encrypted cookies.
We will discuss more options of authentication filters in subsequent posts.
Dave Jones
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